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How will you solve the puzzle of adult social care reform?

Adult social care (ASC) reform, in the guise of charging reform (CR) and fair cost of care (FCC), will have a significant impact on your council. The changes will be fundamental and will eventually impact all parts of your service and the provider market.

Grant Thornton and Channel 3 are working together to help the sector address the immediate challenges and priorities associated with successfully implementing adult social care reform. We have a strong track record of working in partnership for the benefit of our clients. We have shared values and together bring deep expertise in financial and data analytics, ASC transformation and digital enablement across health and care.

ASC budgets are materially driven by 3 things:

1. Demand

2. Placement mix

3. Placement cost

CR and FCC mean two of these three things, demand and placement cost, will be materially impacted in the coming years. CR and FCC are inextricably linked. One will impact the other in various ways:

Direct: More services funded by the council, which is likely to increase unit costs.

Indirect: More safeguarding enquiries, more staff needed to manage the increased demand, more carers’ assessments and a need for improved business systems.

Right now it is important to focus on two immediate FCC and CR priorities:

1. Understand the scale of the impact posed by ASC reform at a local level, i.e. the overall financial, operational and demand impact it will have.

2. Digitally enable your front door model to address the reform requirements and the significant forecasted uplift in demand.

Discover how Channel 3 and Grant Thornton can help you take a big step forward in these areas in just 8 weeks. Download A generational change coming to adult social care – how will you solve the puzzle of adult social care reform? or read the digital version below.

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help support you through this generational change coming to adult social care

Call 0203 866 4838 or email

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