Looking to get more out of your digital investment? Whether you have the ambition to build on a successful implementation or need to address something that hasn’t gone to plan, we can help you take stock of your current position and build a plan that starts delivering the benefits you seek for your workforce and the people they serve.
This is where it gets really exciting, as you start to take full advantage of your new digital capabilities, change ways of working and improve patient care.
Because Channel 3 understands health and care processes, operations and technology in detail, we’re confident in our ability to help you understand technology’s full potential and realise the benefits and return on investment you set out to achieve.
We help you identify opportunities to realise additional benefits and choose the ones that are right for you.
We work with you to design an optimisation programme and delivery plan.
We help you to deliver change and realise the full potential of your technology investments.
The root cause of the challenge might be a process that hasn’t been designed quite right. It could be a lack of training or an issue with data quality. Or, as is most often the case, it could be a combination of factors. Whatever the cause of the technology challenge you’re facing, the key is to act quickly and get back on track.
We’ve found that many technology projects run into difficulties because critical activities were missed during the planning or implementation stages. Recovery usually involves figuring out where things went wrong, taking a couple of steps back, and then moving at pace to address the issues, learn the lessons and put the challenges behind you.
Whatever the problem, we can help find you the solution. With over 10 years of experience in digital health and care, there’s little that we haven’t seen before. Experience has taught us that there’s almost nothing that can’t be put right with focus, teamwork and a bit of hard work, and we’re proud to have helped our customers overcome some of their most complex organisational and technological challenges.
Working together, we help you review what you were trying to achieve, what’s gone wrong, the root causes of the problem and the impact on your patients and staff.
We jointly agree the action plan that enable you to remedy the situation and get back on track.
We work alongside you to deliver the action plan so that your patients and staff can get back to seeing the full benefits of your technology.
Dr Scott GallowayChannel 3 has been a true strategic partner, bringing great skills, strategic advice and implementation support throughout our digital journey.
Central & North West London NHS FT