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Disrupting crisis to reimagine care: Get ready for disruption and revolution in social care

Those close to the social care sector are aware of its issues, the ways in which it needs to change and where it needs to get to. The challenge lies in taking those first steps towards major transformation. Channel 3 and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) are working in collaboration with the sector to move it from a model in crisis to a preventative model of care. We’ll be debating with attendees at the National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCASC) about the fundamental disruption that is needed to start the journey towards the future we know is needed.

At the heart of this transformation from crisis to prevention lies an opportunity—a chance to disrupt the current model, to challenge the norms and to revolutionise the way we perceive and deliver social care.

The need for immediate and medium-term action has never been more pressing, so how do we take those first vital steps? With the prospect of significant cost pressures looming over the next decade, leaders in the social care sector must adopt a revolutionary and disruptive approach to digital transformation. This journey is not just about embracing technology; it’s about redefining what quality care means whilst ensuring the safety of social care practice in a digital age.

Crucially, this transformation is not simply a structural response; there is no need for thorough and complex integration of health and care systems. Instead, it is a digital revolution independent of political affiliations. Those involved acknowledge the need for this revolution, which makes it a unifying force in an often divisive political landscape.

How do we innovate and disrupt whilst maintaining safe, high-quality care?

In the face of escalating costs and challenges, the social care sector must embark on a transformative journey. Channel 3 is a vital player in this transformative process, offering expertise and capabilities which are essential for disruptive, meaningful change through innovative approaches.

SCIE brings expertise and capabilities that are essential for reshaping the sector responsibly and safely. Their interventions ensure the quality and safety of practice amidst disruptive changes, emphasising the need for a balanced, forward-thinking approach.

Channel 3 and SCIE are not setting out just to act as disruptors; we are safe disruptors, who ensure that change is not only innovative but also responsible.

Ralph Cook, Partner at Channel 3 Consulting

Digital innovation offers us huge potential to truly transform how people experience care, and we look forward to helping the sector embrace this swiftly and safely.

Kathryn Smith, Chief Executive at the Social Care Institute for Excellence

From crisis to prevention: A place-based model

In practice, a place-based prevention model means engaging with communities and working closely with the people who live there. This is easier said than done. By engaging and empowering a wide set of stakeholders, we can provide services that are centred on people and their communities, whilst getting ahead of challenges before they materialise.

The burning platform of financial sustainability

Local government and specifically social care is not financially sustainable in its current form. The evidence of this can be seen in the growing number of councils admitting that they will struggle to balance their budgets over the next three years, with many at risk of bankruptcy. Cost escalation in social care is a key contributing factor in this risk.

The adage of doing more of the same, whilst expecting different results, firmly applies. Innovation is the key that unlocks the door to a more sustainable future. This approach enables the sector to transition from constantly firefighting crises to empowered prevention.

Person-centred care: Digital enablement and workforce empowerment

At the core of this approach is the person—the individual whose life and wellbeing are central to the care we provide. Service delivery innovation, supported by digital tools, enables us to tailor services to the person with data-led insights that enable a proactive and high-quality care experience.

It also transforms the way we perceive and support the workforce, ensuring they are equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to serve with excellence and empathy.

This year at the NCAS Conference

We know what the future looks like and how to get there. The challenge lies in how we successfully deliver this new future. Channel 3 and SCIE will be talking about this at the NCAS Conference.

We also understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each council is unique, with its own challenges, strengths and aspirations. They also find themselves at various stages of readiness, however, our approach can be adapted to every step of the transformation journey.

To discover the best path forward for your council, we urge you to complete our brief survey – whether you’ll be joining us at the NCAS Conference or not. Your insights could not only shape the way forward for your council but will also contribute to the collective voice that jumpstarts the sector towards a brighter, digitally enabled future.

If you have any questions about the survey or would like to have a conversation before meeting us at the NCAS Conference, contact us and we will be in touch.

Get in touch to find out more about how we can help your council to capture and realise your digital vision.

Call 0203 866 4838 or email

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