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[Infographic] The way we change learning disabilities for the better

Our report, The future for people living with a learning disability, was created in collaboration with specialist learning disability providers to combine our collective experience and solutions.

Following further conversations with people with lived experience, sector leaders and sector suppliers, and applying our own experience from across the sector, we have built a strong understanding of the practical interventions and approaches that are required to start the journey towards a better future for people with learning disabilities.

Now we want to work with local systems to move this agenda forward.

The infographic below outlines the interventions that we can make and how Channel 3 and our partners can support you to make them. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to start your journey today.

Channel 3 Consulting learning disability infographic

Let's talk about how we can build a better future for people living with a learning disability

Call 0203 866 4838 or email

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